UNSILENCED: Countering Indigenous Erasure in Youth Activism
I.M.P.A.C.T.T. Native Youth Mural Project, Douglas Middle School, Woodland CA
Photo credit: Love Duncan
To shed light on the often-overlooked Indigenous population, Gen Z activists are making sure this trend no longer continues. California tribal nations are at the forefront of this movement, with Tower of Youth's Love Duncan addressing the need for greater recognition and support. We have a tremendous opportunity to create a safe and inclusive atmosphere where young people can harness the power of media to increase community awareness and engagement and distribute regionally and statewide stories from diverse populations of the health and wellness policies, systems, and practices impacting their communities. Through initiatives like Duncan's, we can amplify Indigenous voices and advocate for the equitable access to resources and support they deserve.
Love Duncan is Concow Wailaki Wintun from Round Valley and Western Band Shoshone from Nevada. She is an Activist/Youth Leader from Sacramento, CA. She is engaged with Tower of Youth’s digital storytelling project to produce a series of podcasts that promote the health and wellness of the Native community and support young people in finding their voices through identity and community. She also works with Native Dads Network’s Indigenous Mentors Protecting Ancestral Cultural Teaching Team (I.M.P.A.C.T.T.), a collaborative effort comprising California tribal nations, Native organizations, and tribal community members whose mission is to combat detrimental substances that adversely affect tribal communities while equipping Native youth with the knowledge and abilities necessary for a fulfilling and prosperous life.
In launching a podcast focused on mental health within Native American communities, Love embarks on a mission to confront systemic oppression and the glaring deficiency in support and resources for Indigenous youth. Through her platform, she fearlessly tackles these pressing issues, bringing them to the forefront of public discourse. Love's advocacy transcends mere awareness-raising; it ignites a sincere dedication to rectifying the injustices faced by Indigenous peoples. Driven by her profound conviction that Indigenous youth are pivotal in safeguarding their heritage and instigating transformative change, Love becomes a relentless champion for Indigenous rights. She recognizes that preserving cultural traditions is not solely an homage to the past but a vital investment in the future, a cornerstone upon which Indigenous communities can flourish and thrive.
Love's podcast serves as a beacon of empowerment for Indigenous communities, offering a space for their voices to be heard and their experiences validated. By sharing stories of resilience, healing, and cultural pride, Love illuminates the rich tapestry of Indigenous heritage, countering the pervasive narratives of erasure and marginalization. By integrating traditional songs and dances, she infuses her platform with the rhythms of Indigenous culture, further strengthening its impact as a tool for visibility and advocacy. Love's unwavering dedication to amplifying Indigenous voices and addressing systemic inequities fosters greater understanding and respect, inspiring a collective movement toward a future where Indigenous peoples can reclaim their rightful place as stewards of their heritage and agents of change.