Life Goes On
Have you ever wanted to get to know someone to see who they are and see where your future lies with them?
Well, everyone has that one person they were trying to have a deep connection with but sometimes life has other plans. I feel when you do try to get to know someone you tend to picture them as perfect — like they were the only person in the world. But then some small thing happens, maybe they didn’t even lift one finger themselves, but suddenly they aren’t the person you’d thought they would be.
In my case, I was getting to know this person and I felt that the connection between us was super strong. I know that in my heart my feelings towards them were very sincere and genuine. But did they feel the same way? There's no answer to that because you can never tell what a person’s feeling half the time, but still, I was pretty sure they felt something as well. Unfortunately, it just didn’t work out.
In my case, I was getting to know this person and I felt that the connection between us was super strong. I know that in my heart my feelings towards them were very sincere and genuine. But did they feel the same way? There's no answer to that because you can never tell what a person’s feeling half the time. Still, I was pretty sure they felt something as well. Unfortunately, it just didn’t work out.
One thing I learned from this whole experience is that no matter how vulnerable you are with a person, you should never let your guard down. Once you let your emotions get in the way of trying to see the real in a person, you’ll completely forget about your number one priority….. watching out for red flags.
I’m not saying that you should never open up to someone who you’re getting to know romantically though. Personally, I don't regret having those vulnerable moments with them because it gave me an opportunity to see their background and learn why they act the way they do. Even though I didn’t get the chance to experience them as a significant other, I still got to know them as a friend.
Overall what this relationship really taught me was that you can’t really trust what a person says. Their actions show who they really are. This experience really wasted my time and my feelings felt invalid and hurt, but I learned to see the bigger picture in all of this. When I have deep feelings for someone, those feelings are strong and I tend to become like a little mother — caring and worrying about their child — and this person just wasn’t ready to receive that kind of love and affection from me. I care too much and I get attached. And the most difficult part about not talking with this person anymore was trying to detach myself from them.
In the end, most relationships don’t work out for people and that’s OK. For me, it is more important to spend my teenage years learning how to be single and working on myself.
This situation was difficult to get through but, in the end, all I had was myself and it was up to me to see how I was able to get through it. Sometimes we start to ask ourselves “Why?” or “ What could I have said or done differently” or” What could have or should have” happened instead? Sometimes in no simple answer.
But that’s just life and life goes on.